Human Filesize
- Author: George Ornbo
- Source Code: Github
ExpressionEngine Version 1.6.x (1.x.x releases), ExpressionEngine Version 2.0.x (2.x.x releases)
PHP 5.x
Human Filesize is free for personal and commercial use.
If you use it commercially use a donation of $5 is suggested. You can send donations here.
Human Filesize is licensed under a Open Source Initiative - BSD License license.
For EE 1.6.x the file pi.human_filesize.php must be placed in the /system/plugins/ folder in your ExpressionEngine installation.
For EE 2.0.0 the human_filesize folder must be placed in the /system/expressionengine/third_party/ folder in your ExpressionEngine installation.
Human Filesize
Shows the size of a file in human readable format
This plugin returns the size of a file in human readable format (e.g 101.34 KB, 10.41 GB ) Wrap the absolute path filename in these tags to have it processed
If you are using Mark Huot’s File extension you can just use the EE tag you chose for the file field
The function calculates whether to show KB, MB or GB depending on the file size.
There are currently no parameters
Single Variables
There are currently no single variables
You can open a ticket over at Lighthouse. As this is free software the response time can vary.
# | Ticket | Milestone | Created at | Updated at | Status |
Most of my software is free but I still need to eat and keep the wife happy.
If you use any software commercially please consider giving a donation.
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